Simpson Family Bios

The Simpsons

Heres a bunch of bios for all the members of the Simpson family.

Homer Jay Simpson

Homer Simpson works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant with his buddies Lenny and Carl. Homer works in sector 7-G. He loves to go to Moe's Tavern and dink Duff beer with his buddies Barney, Lou, and Eddie. He can be slow, lazy and not a great parent at times, but he loves his family.

Middle Name: Jay
Birthplace: North Carolina
Age: 36
Weight: 256 lbs
Social Security Number: 568-47-0008
Blood Type: B Positive
Height: 6 ft
Marge Simpson

Marge Simpson, fomerly Marge Bouvier, is a stay-at-home mom. She has had other jobs like police woman, land salesman, and art teacher. She met Homer in 1974 and fell in love with him. She is the main caretaker of Maggie and the kids. She does the shopping and the cleaning. At one time she developed a gambleing problem.

Height: 8'6" with hair
Shoe Size: 13AA
Color of hair Die:Blue #56
Little known secret: Marge has webbed toes

Bart Jo Jo Simpson

Bart Simpson is the trouble maker in the family. He loves to skateboard. Bart is constantly getting in trouble at school with Principal Skinner and his teacher Mrs. Krapapple. Barts best friend is Milhouse Van Houten. Some things he does for amusement are prank calls to Moe's Tavern and mooning various people. Although he may seem tough, there are times when he shows emotion, like when he disrtoyed Lisa's centerpeice for Thanksgiving, later in the episode Bart and Lisa forgive each other. Bart's alter ego is El Barto.Sideshow Bob as repeatedly tried to kill Bart but has failed every time.

Age: 10
Grade: 4
Middle name: Jo Jo
Allergic to: Butterschotch, imitation butterschotch, and glow in the dark monster make up
Famous sayings: Aye Carumba, Don't have a cow man, eat my shorts, Get bent
First word: Aye Caumba!
Misterious twins: Hugo, Lester
Lisa Marie Simpson

Lisa is the genius is the Simpson family. She loves to play her saxaphone. Her idols are Bleeing Gums Murphy and Mr.Largo. She is often voicing her opinion nad seaking out on what she belives is fair.
Lisa collects Malibu Stacey dolls but one time rebelled aginst thema nd started her own doll called Lisa Lionheart. She likes to listen in with Bart durring one of his prank calls and watching Itchy and Scratchy with Homer and Bart.

Age: 8
Grade: 2
Instrament: Baritone saxaphone
First word: Bart!
Misterious twins: Eliza, Lisa Jr.

Margret "Maggie" Simpson

Maggie is the forgotten Simpson. She can walk, but often trips and falls. She always is seen with a pacifire in her mouth. Marge is often the one carrying and taking care of her. Homer has all of Maggies pictures in his office at work.Maggie shot Mr. Burns

First word: Daddy
Cost(accordind to scanner at store):.63
Enimies: Garald
Awards: Cutest baby contest
Signs of intelegence: writes E=MC2 with toy blocks,writing her name on an etch-a scetch,knows what a credenza is
Abraham Simpson

Abe Simpson lives at the Springfiled Retirement Castle. He was once engaged to a woman named Bea Simmons who eventually dies and leaves alot of money in his name. He used the money to buy the red fez hat he is often seen waering. He had a one night stand with a woman at the carnival and got her pregnant with Herbert Powell, Homers brother.

Lives at: Springfield Retirement Castle

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