Seymour Skinner
 Principal Skinner is the head of Springfield Elementary. He served in Vietnam and sometimes has flashbacks. Seymour's life is runned by his mother, Agnes Skinner. Skinner hates Bart along with everyone else at Springfield Elementary. His real name is Armin Tanzarian. He is rumoured to wear a toupee. |
Elizabeth Hoover
 Miss Hoover is Lisa's second grade teacher. She has to put up with Ralph Wiggum. In some episodes she is Mrs. Hoover. |
Edna Krabapple
 Edna is the fourth grade teacher. She has tried to seduce Mr. Bergstrom, Homer, and Joey form Arosmith, has had affairs with the master chef at the Happy Sumo, and Joey Canseco. She drinks and smokes. Edna hates Bart. |
Groundskeeper Willy
 Willy is the groundskeeper at Springfield Elementary. He has an award winning playing field. He made millions in software, but lost it all at the tracks. His father was killed for stealing a pig. Willy is also enimies with Bart. Bart loves to tourment him. |
Superintendnt Chalmers
 Chalmers is the superintendent for Springfield Elementary. One of his insepections including checking the sandbox for urin and trying out the pencil sharpener. |
Otto Mann
 Oto is the bus driver for Springfield Elementary. He is constantly listing to heavy metal music on his walkman that he carries with him. Otto's last name is Mann. Oto and Bart are pretty good friends. |
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