Here is soome list lik calls to Moe's Tavern and Homer's D'ohs
Homer's MMMMM's
Mmmm... Apple
Mmmm... Barbecue
Mmmm... Beer
Mmmm... Beer Nuts
Mmmm... Bowling Fresh
Mmmm... Burger
Mmmm... Business Deal
Mmmm... Candy
Mmmm... Caramel
Mmmm... Chicken
Mmmm... Chocolate
Mmmm... Convenient
Mmmm... Crumbled-up Cookie Things
Mmmm... Cupcakes
Mmmm... Danish
Mmmm... Donuts
Mmmm... Elephant Fresh
Mmmm... Fattening
Mmmm... Fifty Dollar Pretzel
Mmmm... Fish
Mmmm... Foot-long Chili Dog
Mmmm... Forbidden Donut
Mmmm... Free Goo
Mmmm... Grapefruit
Mmmm... Gummi Beers
Mmmm... Ham
Mmmm... Hamburgers
Mmmm... Hippo
Mmmm... Hog Fat
Mmmm... Hors Do-Vers (Hors D'oeuvres)
Mmmm... Hug
Mmmm... Incapacitating
Mmmm... Invisible Cola
Mmmm... The Land Of Chocolate
Mmmm... Loganberry
Mmmm... Marge
Mmmm... Marshmallows
Mmmm... Me
Mmmm... Mediciney
Mmmm... Memo
Mmmm... Open Faced Club Sandwich
Mmmm... Organized Crime
Mmmm... Ovulicious
Mmmm... Pancakes
Mmmm... Pi (pie)
Mmmm... Pointy
Mmmm... Potato Chips
Mmmm... Purple
Mmmm... Recirculated Air
Mmmm... Sacrelicious
Mmmm... Salty
Mmmm... Shrimp
Mmmm... Sixty-four Slices of American Cheese
Mmmm... Slanty
Mmmm... Snouts
Mmmm... Something
Mmmm... Soylent Green
Mmmm... Spaghetti
Mmmm... Sprinkles
Mmmm... Strained Peas
Mmmm... Sugar Walls
Mmmm... Turbulent
Mmmm... Unexplained Bacon
Mmmm... Unprocessed Fish Sticks
Mmmm... Urinal Fresh
Prank Calls to Moe's Tavern
Phone call for Al...Al there an Al Coholic here?
Wait a minute...
Listen, you little yellow-bellied rat jackass, if I ever find out who you are, I'm gonna kill you!
Bart and Lisa laugh
7G01 (Some Enchanted Evening)
Bart with Lisa and Maggie
Oliver Clothesoff! Call for Oliver Clothesoff!
Marge picks up the extension and hears:
Listen, you lousy bum, if I ever get a hold of you, I swear I'll cut your belly open!
7G03 (Homer's Odyssey)
Bart with Lisa
Uh, is I.P. Freely here? Hey, everybody, I.P. Freely!
Wait a minute...
Listen to me you lousy bum. When I get a hold of you, you're dead. I swear I'm gonna slice your heart in half!
Bart and Lisa laugh
7G06 (Moaning Lisa)
Bart with Lisa
Uh, Jacques Strap! Hey guys, I'm looking for a Jacques Strap!
Oh, wait a minute...Jacques Strap
It's you isn't it ya cowardly little runt? When I get a hold of you, I'm gonna gut you like a fish and drink your blood!
Bart laughs
7F11 (One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish)
Bart with Lisa
Hey, is there a Butz here? Seymour Butz? Hey, everybody, I wanna Seymour Butz!
Oh, wait a minute...
Listen, you little scum-sucking pus-bucket! When I get my hands on you, I'm gonna put out your eyeballs with a corkscrew!
Bart and Lisa laugh
7F15 (Principal Charming)
Bart (in Principal Skinner's office)
Uh, Homer Sexual? Aw, come on, come on, one of you guys has gotta be Homer Sexual!
Homer says "Don't look at me!"
Oh, no...
You rotten little punk! If I ever get a hold of you, I'll sink my teeth into your cheek and rip your face off!
Skinner, on the other end of the line, says "You'll do what, young man?"
7F22 (Blood Feud)
Mike Rotch! Mike Rotch! Hey, has anybody seen Mike Rotch lately?
Listen to me, you little puke. One of these days, I'm going to catch you, and I'm going to carve my name on your back with an ice pick!
Bart and Lisa laugh
8F02 (Treehouse of Horror II)
Bart with Mrs. Krabappel and one of the Sherri/Terri twins
Uh, hey, everybody! I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt
Oh, wait a minute...
Bart laughs; Mrs. Krabappel sees him and then laughs as well
8F08 (Flaming Moe's)
Uh, Hugh Jass? Oh, somebody check the men's room for a Hugh Jass!
There is a Hugh Jass at Moe's; he takes the call
8F09 (Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk)
Bea O'Problem! Bea O'Problem! Come on, guys, do I have a Bea O'Problem here?
Barney says "You sure do!"'s you, isn't it?
Listen, you. When I get a hold of you, I'm going to use your head for a bucket and paint my house with your brains!
Bart laughs
9F06 (New Kid on the Block)
Uh, Amanda Huggenkiss? Hey, I'm looking for Amanda Huggenkiss! Ah, why can't I find Amanda Huggenkiss?
Barney says "Maybe your standards are too high!"
You little S.O.B.! Why, when I find out who you are, I'm going to shove a sausage down your throat and stick starving dogs in your butt!
Bart tells Moe his name is Jimbo Jones and gives his own address: Jimbo and Laura Powers are making out in Bart's living room
9F06 (New Kid on the Block)
Laura Powers with Bart
Ivana Tinkle? Ivana Tinkle? All right, everybody, put down your glasses, Ivana Tinkle!
Laura and Bart laugh
2F19 (The PTA Disbands)
This isn't at Moe's; Moe is taking over as the substitute teacher for Mrs. Krabappel's class during the strike
OK, when I call your name, uh, you say "present" or "here". Er, no, say "present". Ahem, Anita Bath?
The students in the classroom laugh
All right, settle down. Anita Bath here?
More laughs
All right, fine, fine. Maya Buttreeks!
Still more laughs
Hey, what are you laughing at? What? Oh, oh, I get it, I get it. It's my big ears, isn't it, kids? Isn't it? Well, children, I can't help that!
Moe runs out of the classroom crying as Bart crosses Moe's name off of a list of what are now former substitute teachers
3F14 (Homer the Smithers)
Mr. Burns says "I'm looking for a Mr. Smithers, first name Wayland"
Oh, so, you're looking for a Mr. Smithers, eh? First name Wayland, is it? Listen to me, you; when I catch you, I'm gonna pull out your eyes and stick 'em down your pants, so you can watch me kick the crap outta you, okay? Then I'm gonna use your tongue to paint my boat!
3F17 (Bart on the Road)
(Homer) Hello, I'd like to speak with a Mr. Snotball, first name Eura
(Moe) Eura Snotball?
(Homer) What? How dare you! If I find out who this is, I'll staple a flag to your butt and mail you to Iran!
CABF20 (Homer the Moe)
Bart is calling Homer, who is minding Moe's
(Bart) Uh, yeah, I'd like to speak to a Mr. Tabooger, first name Ollie
(Homer) (excited) Ooh, Bart, my first prank call! What do I do?
(Bart) Just ask if anyone knows Ollie Tabooger
(Homer) I don't get it
(Bart) Yell out "I'll eat a booger"
(Homer) What's the gag?
(Bart) Oh, forget it...
DABF21 (Helter Shelter)
Bart, sending a telegraph message to Moe's
Telegram for Heywood U. Cuddleme! Heywood U. Cuddleme? Big guy in the back, Heywood U. Cuddleme?
Oh, do, that little, ooh...
I'm gonna drive a golden spike where your Union meets your Central Pacific!
Bart laughs
Do the Bartman Lyrics
Yo, Hey what's happenin' dude
I'm a guy with a rep for bein' rude
Terrorizin' people wherever I go
It's not intentional, just keepin' the flow
Fixin' test scores to get the best scores
Droppin' banana peels all over the floor
I'm the kid that made delinquency an art
Last name Simpson, first name Bart
I'm here today to introduce the next phase
The next step, in the big Bart craze
I've got a dance real easy to do
I learned it with no rythm and so can you
So move your body if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock-like motion
Now thacha got it if you think you can
Do it to the music - that's the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Ah front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
It wasn't long ago, just a couple of weeks
I got in trouble, yeah, pretty deep
Homer was yellin' (Bart!) Mom was too
Because I put mothballs in the beef stew
Punishment time, in the air lurks gloom
Sittin' by myself confined to my room
When all else fails nothin' else left to do
I turn on the music so I can feel the groove
Move your body if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock-like motion
Move your hips from side to side now
Doncha slip, let your feet glide now
If you've got the groove you gotta use it
Rock-rhythm in time with the music
You just might start a chain reaction
If you can do the Bart you're bad like
Michael Jackson
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Everybody back and forth,
from side to side
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Pick your feet up off the
floor, let 'em glide
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, She can do it, you can do it,
so can I
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Now here's a dance beat
that ya can't deny
Oh my ears! Lisa put that saxophone away
You can't touch this!
I didn't do it! Nobody saw me do it!
You can't prove anything!
Now I'm in the house, feelin' good to be home
'till Lisa starts blowin' that damn saxophone
And if it was mine you know they'd take it away
But I'm feelin' good so that's okay
I'm up in my room just'a singin' a song
Listenin' to the kick drum kickin' along
Yeah Lisa likes jazz she's her number one fan
But I know I'm bad 'cause I do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, Everybody back and forth,
from side to side
Do the Bartman
Do the Bartman, She can do it, you can do it,
so can I
Move your body if you got the notion
Front to back in a rock-like motion
Move your hips from side to side now
Doncha slip, let your feet glide now
If you've got the groove you gotta use it
Rock-rhythm in time with the music
You just might start a chain reaction
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman
Everybody if you can do the Bartman
Shake your body turn it out if you're bad man
Front to back to the side yes you can, can
Everybody in the house do the Bartman